Thursday, March 8, 2012

Spring Forward

It has been awhile since I last posted anything on this blog. While the purpose of this blog was to update our customers and prospective clients with the "family business", I admit- I did FALL back (PUN is fully intended) during the fall/winter months..SO now with spring just around the corner- I am back at it aka SPRINGING FORWARD!

We have a lot going on. For one, NEW WEBSITE. We are in the final stages of putting together a website that is easier to navigate, has the look and feel of our brand and can provide our customer with a bit more information about our product and what we can do for them.

Second, and this is ALWAYS on our to do list and that is to EXPAND our customer base. While we value our current clients so much and thank them for the support, we need NEW clients! At my previous job, my VP of Sales & Marketing-Beth, always said you have to keep feeding that pipeline. SO I am trying new approaches and hoping this will work! FINGERS CROSSED.

Now to update on me getting acclimated with the business and trying to understand it all. It is SO much harder then I ever imagined it would be. Trying to understand the dynamics of plastic and what material to use etc. IT IS MIND BOGGLING. My father deals with this primarily but at some point it will be my responsibility at least to oversee the process. Too bad I wasn't an engineering major! BUT hey this is why you hire great people to help you understand and hopefully grow Adali Plastic.

I would like to go back to the website! I know it is milk crates so visuals help correct?! What else would you want to see on the website? More pictures? Social media links? More information on the crates and us?? Would love any feedback you have.

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